The INWARD dimension is symbolized by arrows pointing inward to Christ at the center is designed to meet
personal needs for effective growth in the Christian walk - worship, bible study, life decisions, fellowship and chruchmanship.
OUTWARD dimension (Christian Outreach) is symbolized by the arrows pointing outward "spreading the gospel
to the ends of the earth." Christian outreach provides opportunities for students to meet the needs of persons by expressing
their gifts in witness, missions, ministries and world & social action.
- Praise, adoration and thanksgiving to God." (Col. 3:16)
2. Bible Study - Learning and living in HIS word. (Acts 17:11)
3. Life Decisions - Guidelines for students who are seeking God's leadership in choices related to the
stewardship of life. (1 Cor. 4:1-2)
4. Fellowship - Sharing life an love with brothers and sisters in Christ. (Acts 4:32)
5. Churchmanship - Being involved in the life and ministry of the total body of Christ through the local
6. Witness - Sharing the good news
of Christ with others. (Acts 1:8)
7. Missions - Reaching beyond the campus. (Acts 13:1-3)
8. Ministries - Meeting human needs everywhere. (Luke 4:16-19)
9. World Issues and Social Actions - Being salt and light in a world in need of hope. (Matt. 5:13)